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RBD Issue 1.1
Andrew Barry, Animation, RegEx, REALbasic
RBD Issue 1.2
RB Basics, Undo, 3D Math, Bundling
RBD Issue 1.3
FPS, QuickTime, VQS Guide, Geoff Perlman
RBD Issue 1.4
Software Marketing, Aqua, TouchCAD, Coffee Break Pro
RBD Issue 1.5
REALbasic 5, Path-Finding Algorithms, Spamfire
RBD Issue 1.6
QuickTime, Control Bindings, Quesa, 3D Fog, Z-Write
RBD Issue 2.1
Linux, REALbasic 5, Mesh Deformations, Recent Items Menu
RBD Issue 2.2
Explosions, Text Encodings, Auto-Discovery, Net Toolbox
RBD Issue 2.3
Preferences, Localization, DiscBlaze, Unrolling Loops
RBD Issue 2.4
Renegades 3D Game Engine, RB 5.5, 3D Collisions, Music
RBD Issue 2.5
REAL World 2004, PDF, SQL, RB 5.5 Databases
RBD Issue 2.6
Vernier's LabPro, Draw with Text, SQL, Joe Strout, RBScript
RBD Issue 3.1
RB Web Server, Vernier's LabPro, Command-line RB, Sheets
RBD Issue 3.2
Vector Graphics, RDF/XML Database, Asynchronous Keyboard Input, Ben Copsey
RBD Issue 3.3
Serial Programming, Publicity, HelpLogic, Self-Updating Apps
RBD Issue 3.4
Coffee Cooling, Mouse Gestures, Serial Programming, Sp@mx
RBD Issue 3.5
REAL World 2005, Registration Algorithms, RB 2005 Preview, Redlien Account Executive
RBD Issue 3.6
Generating Mazes, Ringtones, Networking, Floating Point Math
RBD Issue 4.1
Falling Objects, Networking, Floating Point Math
RBD Issue 4.2
Ballistic Sprites, Software Distribution Formats, Networking, QuickTime
RBD Issue 4.3
Networking Secrets, Harmonic Motion, Kidzmail, RB2005 vs. RB5
RBD Issue 4.4
Autonomous Vehicle, Scrollable Controls, SuperSprite, Beginner Questions
RBD Issue 4.5
REAL World 2006, Planetary Motion, Refactoring
RBD Issue 4.6
XML, Time-Limited Demos, Kodiak, Binary Searches, Data Structures
RBD Issue 5.1
Zombies (3D Game), Random Numbers, StringUtils, REAL SQL Server
RBD Issue 5.2
Drunken Walk Math, Bitwise Functions, Expert Answers, Styled Text, Fourier Benchmarking
RBD Issue 5.3
Guiding Users, Speed Tricks, Monte-Carlo Integration, Stan Busk, TCP, Dynamic Windows
RBD Issue 5.4
Giant House Eyes, Running a Software Business, Encryption, Lightspeed, Quicksort
RBD Issue 5.5
REAL World 2007, Text Readability, Calendar Canvas, RBScript, MDI
RBD Issue 5.6
REALbasic iPhone Apps, Encrypting Email, RBUnit, RBScript
RBD Issue 6.1
Spelling Checker, VB to RB, Burning CD/DVDs, Reality Check, Doug Lyman
RBD Issue 6.2
Crystal-Clear Code, Image Processing, K.I.S.S., Hierarchical Listboxes
RBD Issue 6.3
Finite State Machines, Impossible Programming, Loosely Coupled Systems, Introspection, Subversion, John Callis
RBD Issue 6.4
REAL World 2008, Yuma, Spelling Checking 2, Creating PDFs, MySQL, Finalizer, Menus, HelpLogic
RBD Issue 6.5
Picture Packer, Intro to Databases, Image Histograms, Contextual Menus, Valentina, JIT References, Two Generals, Inside RB, YumaDev
RBD Issue 6.6
Educational Programming, Remote Support, Formatted Text Project (FTC), Variable Naming, Watermarking Images, Database server summary, debugging, iPhone, HTTPResource, validating forms with Yuma, HTMLViewer, RB frameworks
RBD Issue 7.1
Template-Method Pattern, Grammar Style Checker, Toolbars, RBScript, ARBP, Container Controls, Contracts, Faded Interfaces, OOP Side Effects, Database Reporting, Compiler Optimizations
RBD Issue 7.2
Comments, XML Basics, WinHTTP, FTC Postmortem, DB Reporting, RB to Yuma, Dates, Graph Paper
RBD Issue 7.3
Image Filtering, Data Models, VirtualVolumes, TickerMenu Postmortem, DB Reporting, Yuma, Windows, OPC, Graph Paper
RBD Issue 7.4
Printing, RegEx, Charts and Graphs, REAL Studio, TickerMenu Postmortem, RSReports, Typecasting, Graph Paper
RBD Issue 7.5
Revision Control, Two-Factor Authentication (YubiKey), RBScript Plugins, Charts and Graphs, Macdeveloper.net, Print 4 Postcards Postmortem, canvas basics, Yuma e-commerce
RBD Issue 7.6
Platform Building, Multiple Documents, iPhone Webapp Optimization, Drag-and-Drop, Web browser, Einhugur Reports, Software Marketing
RBD Issue 8.1
Karel Robot, Making RB Plugins, Colorado Summit 2009, Windows 7, Alex Restrepo, Report Writing, RectControl
RBD Issue 8.2
Software Failures, Blending Layers, Auto-Saving Dictionary, Database Design, Project Cost Estimating, Basic Controls, Clipboard Manager
RBD Issue 8.3
Dropwords Game, RB for iPhone Debate, MS Office Reporting, XML DTD Stylesheets, iPad Survey, Tabpanels, Agile Development, Database Concurrency Strategies
RBD Issue 8.4
Particle Collisions, Hash Functions, Dropwords, Hourly Rate, MBS Updater Kit, Rare Controls, iPad PDF Readers, SQL Database Managers, Consulting
RBD Issue 8.5
Handheld programming techniques, encryption ciphers, PDF printing, SQL full text queries, tech support, textfield masks, iPhone 4
RBD Issue 8.6
REAL Studio Web Edition, error handling, cocoa, gofer pattern, asynchronous programming, successful failure, ODBC, iPad
RSD Issue 9.1
Transmogrify, Git, client-server optimization, AppleEvents (making app AppleScriptable), REAL Server update, continuous learning
RSD Issue 9.2
Genetic Programming, Hashes, Mac App Store, Deploying Web Apps, Beta Testing, Kindle, Self-Updater, Face Time, SQL Prepared Statements
RSD Issue 9.3
Multiprocessing, bug reporting, tabbed document interface, best of RSD, printing, SQLite, consulting, web apps
RSD Issue 9.4
Atlanta RB Summit 2011, GUI design, preference handling, the meaning gradient, styled text printing, handshake contracts, SQLite serving, app versus session
RSD Issue 9.5
optimizing, lookup optimization, interview with Glen Buecker, threads, two-way dictionaries, being a Real Studio superhero, object-relational mapping, web apps, what's new in RS2011r2
RSD Issue 9.6
tracer bullet development, cellular automata, JSON, iOS, labelprinter, Storm, what's new in RS2011r3
RSD Issue 10.1
report writer, comic downloader, Bob Keeney interview, MBS plugins, web services, communicating with clients, large objects in databases, iPhone 4s, iOS 5
RSD Issue 10.2
outsourcing, RS Database Days 2011, global variables, assume you can, transparency, new year reflections, database news, Web API, iCloud, Codea
RSD Issue 10.3
consulting, hash collisions, Paul Lefebvre interview, autodiscovery, gravity well, web uploading, textastic, iOS reminder, xscope, galaxy note
RSD Issue 10.4
extreme programming, London 2012, materialized views, Google Authenticator, threads that share, RBScript user interface, bad projects, web cookies, simple is hard, iPad 3, PS Touch
RSD Issue 10.5
Real World 2012, functional programming, Markdown, rethinking processes, Web toolbars, waze gps, motion-x gps, square register
RSD Issue 10.6
Retina display support, Gatekeeper, code signing, text search algorithms, clipboard history, olympics, Real Studio 2012R1, replicating data is bad, App Wrapper, PackageMaker, TouchType iPad case, Wi-Drive
RSD Issue 11.1
HTML to PDF, RS2012r2, Birmingham Conference 2012, Functional Programming 2, Christian Schmitz, optimization, SQL tables, Web control SDK, public speaking, ipad mini, pythonista, find any file
RSD Issue 11.2
Tips for Real World, Amazon's EC2 for Web Apps, Making a Windows Installer, Real Studio Plugin SDK Changes, Conditional Compiling and Pragma Directives, Picking Your Clients, Deploying Web Apps, SQL Tables, Real World Preview, Using REALSQLDatabase as Your File Format, Napkin, Daisydisk
RSD Issue 11.3
Special Xojo Developer's Conference Issue, XDC News, Xojo 2013r1 Preview, Xojo on iOS, Example Projects, Xojo Cloud, SQL Tables, XDC Recap, Acorn 4, Status Board
xDev Issue 11.4
Business Success with Xojo, Blackjack simulator, Free Xojo Features, Xojo Forums, SQL Tables, Web App questions and answers, Xojo Tips, SQLite Full-Text Searching, xDev Magazine, Vesper, RegExRX
xDev Issue 11.5
Upgrading to Xojo, Navigator Tips, Weeding Your Xojo Garden, When to Dim, Tripping with Xojo, Dash, Editorial, Calca, Xojo Toolbars, Container Controls, SQLiteDatabase, Adjacency Model
xDev Issue 11.6
Apple About Boxes, Xojo 2013 Release 3, MBS Xojo Conference, ChartPart, Smart Tips for Developers, Making Xojo Plugins, Unit Testing, path enumeration, inheritance versus interfaces, regular expressions, Dru, "Introduction to Programming" book
xDev Issue 12.1
Localization, Window Tricks, Birmingham 2013 Conference, Valentina Reports, event-driven programming, database structure, How to use AddHandler, the RegEx language, OS updates, supporting color-blind users, Xippets
xDev Issue 12.2
The Dangers of Inefficiencies, Sending Email, Smart Reporting, AVFoundation, Xojo Around the World, OOP structure, Meet two Xojo developers, development hardware, build automation, database design, Regex versus Xojo code, programming tips, Zircon controls for Xojo
xDev Issue 12.3
XDC 2014, Sandboxing, Pretty Print Dialog, Threads, Class Interfaces, Development Tools, Database Design, RegEx Groups, programming tips, Two Xojo developers
xDev Issue 12.4
Game Center, ServerSocket, Mercurial, Swift, OOP Encapsulation, RegEx Lookarounds, Database Design, Optimizing Xojo, Canadian Xojo User Profile, Usable Code, Finding Source Code
xDev Issue 12.5
Yosemite, Game Center, Notifications, HandleSpecialURL, SimpleDraw, RegEx Conditionals, Database Design, Xojo Game Developer, Coding Style, Tip on Variants, SQLite Command Line
xDev Issue 12.6
Cheap Web App Hosting, Protecting Your Software, Yosemite, Game Center, Simple Web Photo Galleries, SQL CTE, Database Design, Vision Software Developer, Tips on Type Conversion, RegEx Readability, iOS Beta
xDev Issue 13.1
iOS First Look, Xojo Health Journal, Data Access, Birmingham 2014, Creating First iOS App, Database Modeling, Xojo 2014r3, Meet Markus Winter, RegEx Literals, Xojo Trainer
xDev Issue 13.2
Control Animation, iOS Deployment, Mandrill, Sandboxing Problems, Austin Guide, Class Extensions, XDC, Xojo 64-bit, Windows 10, Meet Ulrich Bogun, Errors with Dates, RegEx Mistakes, Crashplan, HP Stream 7
xDev Issue 13.3
XDC 2015, Health Journal Metrics, Custom Operators, Enterprise Data Modeling Tools, Xojo 2015r2, Apple Watch
xDev Issue 13.4
OS X "El Capitan" and Xojo, Charting Health, Overflow errors, New MacBook, Making Programming Decisions, Database Design Tools, OS Updates, DoubleClickTime, Line Endings, Pixel Space War
xDev Issue 13.5
Xojo Text Messaging, Spot the Error, Tracking Medications, Kaju Self-Updater, Document-based apps, Navicat, Xojo Dev Center, Conditional Compilation Tips, Built Scripts, Acorn 5
xDev Issue 13.6
Converting to 64-bit, Medical Data Encryption, Simple Help, Multiprocessing, Medical Alerts, How to Cache, Database Design Patterns, OptionParser, Raspberry Pi, SQL Tip, ICNSmini
xDev Issue 14.1
Barcodes and Xojo Web Apps, London 2015, MBS SQL Plugin, Medical Alerts, Multiprocessing, Dates, Role Party Model, ChartPart, Ergonomics, JSON, Michel Bujardet, Transparent Listbox, Font Caching, Cursor Location in Web Apps, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil
xDev Issue 14.2
Cocoa Fonts, Retina, Data Popups, Better Code Examples, Creating APIs, HiDPI, Sample Web Service API, CallLater, Role Party Model, How to Solve Problems, Self, Math, Quiver
xDev Issue 14.3
Sunroom, App Integrity, HiDPI, Health Disorders, Multiprocessing, Obfuscation, Role Party Model, Raspberry Pi 3, Calendar and Time Chooser, Brother QL-700
xDev Issue 14.4
NSTableView, 2016 MBS Xojo Conference, Bug Acceptance, Health Disorders 2, Multiprocessing 4, Randomness, Big Data, HiDPI, Logging Module, Kindle Page Flip
xDev Issue 14.5
Handling Keyboard Shortcuts, Trackpad Gestures, MacOS Sierra Tabbed Windows, Better Examples 2, Health Disorders 3, JSON, New iOS Features, HiDPI, Hadoop, REST Classes, ReText
xDev Issue 14.6
XDC 2016, Testing Xojo Compiler Optimizations, Cooking with Xojo, Health Disorders 4, Learning Database Design, Colors and Licenses, Iconographer
xDev Issue 15.1
Xojo Pi Lab, Bitmasks, VB6 DLLs, Mark Franken, Xojo 2016r4, Container Controls, Clear Interface Design, Master Data Management, Profile Reader, Readability, Canvas book review
xDev Issue 15.2
PopupMenus, Security Cameras, Data Windows, Delegates, WebPicture, WebFile, Data Dialogs, Master Data Management, Implicit Instances, XFS, AirPods review
xDev Issue 15.3
Xojo Beginner's Guide, Binary Serialization, NGINX, Data Sharing, iOS Abandonware, Xojo 2017R1, Best Backup Practices, InnoSetup
xDev Issue 15.4
Xojo in Germany, Data Sharing 2, Windows Fast Listbox Updating, Shrink Your Apps, Xojo Performance Tips, Backing Up With pg_dump, Initializing Controls, Xojo and WWDC, Logitech Slim Combo
xDev Issue 15.5
Touch Bar Apps, Solving Upgrade Mystery, Optimizing WeakRefs, Data Sharing 3, Custom Code Formatting, pg_dump, 2017r2, SQLBuilder and ActiveRecord, Anker PowerPort+ 5
xDev Issue 15.6
Green Screen Saver, Matrix Trees, Force Files to Delete, Animation, Data Sharing 4, External Items, pg_restore, 64-bit, Aloe, BBEdit 12
xDev Issue 16.1
MBS London Conference 2017, Xojo and Filemaker, Byte Order Marker, Get Stock Quotes, Data Model, Xojo 2017R3, disaster recovery, scope, packaging Linux Apps
xDev Issue 16.2
Scripting Stock Prices, Convert to PDF, Raspberry Pi Motor Control, Data Predicates, Custom Code Formatting, Xojo Community Guide, Continuous Archiving and Point-in-Time Recovery, Xojo Encryption, Markdown Parser
xDev Issue 16.3
News from XDC 2018, XDC Travelogue, Dark Interfaces, Data Predicates 2, Xojo 2018r1, Refactoring, MailgunX, Point-in-Time Recovery
xDev Issue 16.4
Mojave Dark Mode, Scripting PDFs, Refactoring a Controller Module, Learning to Code, Just Code Challenge, WWDC, Point-in-Time Recovery
xDev Issue 16.5
Spreadsheets as Databases, Improving Reports, Dark Sliders in Mojave, Refactoring a Controller Module, Progressbars, Connecting to Databases, Hierarchies in data marts, HavIBeenPwned
xDev Issue 16.6
Munich 2018, Working on the Road, Upgrading Xojo, Data-Entry Controller, Clipboard Management, 2018r3, Database Rules
xDev Issue 17.1
Making Successful iOS Apps, Beyond JSON, Vague Errors, Data-list Controller, UK Meetup, Threads, Xojo 2018r4, Hour of Code, Xojo Dojo
xDev Issue 17.2
Barchart API, Numeric Textfield, Dynamic DLL's, Alternating Row Colors for Dark Mode, Rotating 3D Cube, Window Flashing, New Xojo Docs, Custom Events, MarkdownDS
xDev Issue 17.3
XDC 2019, Coding in Paradise, Numeric Textfield Part 2, Xojo 2019r1, Description Field, Resource Folders, Custom Events, Time Management Tips
xDev Issue 17.4
Your First Web App, Numeric Textfield Part 3, Barcodes in Xojo, Husband + Wife + Xojo, Curves Ahead, TextField With Warning Sign, Computed Properties, WWDC, Client Communication, Catalyst, iPadOS
xDev Issue 17.5
Numeric Textfield Part 4, What's New in MBS, Maps, Simple Web App 2, Gotchas, Shared Properties, Power User Features, Standard Operating Procedures
xDev Issue 17.6
Xojo in Cologne, Numeric Textfield Part 5, Big and Large Numbers, Maps 2, Simple Web App 3, Designing for Error Tolerance, Xojo 2019r2, API 2.0, Planning, DateTime
xDev Issue 18.1
Exploring SceneKit, Numeric Textfield Part 6, Simple Web App 4, Links in PDFS, Checking Spelling with Word, Updating to 64-bit, Xojo 2019r3, Setting Goals, Color Groups, Iterators
xDev Issue 18.2
Custom Listbox Drawing, More SceneKit, Mapkit 3, Simple Web App 5, Drawing PDFs, Comic Downloader 2, Updating to 64-bit, Xojo Bookmarks, Managing Yourself, Backward Compatibility
xDev Issue 18.3
Machine Learning, Xojo News, COVID-19 Simulator, MBS Update, Addressing Mapkit, Xojo Road Map, Enumerations
xDev Issue 18.4
PowerXS, Mac to iOS, SceneKit, MapKit, OOP Listbox 2, WWDC 2020, Android, Web 2.0, Drag and Drop
xDev Issue 18.5
OOP Listbox, PowerXS, ChartDirector, MapKit, Xojo 2020 Release 1, Working with Sets
xDev Issue 18.6
Getting Started with Git, Better Coding Tips, OOP Listbox, MapKit, Xojo PDFs, Xojo 2020 Release 1.2, SQLite 3.31.1
xDev Issue 19.1
Moving to Apple Silicon, Working with Workers, Get Ready for Git Part 2, MapKit Part 8, GradientMaker, Xojo 2020r2, MacBook Air M1 Review
xDev Issue 19.2
Shake Your Windows, Technology Transitions, Getting Started with DynaPDF, Mapping GPS Coordinates, App Instance, Picture Fills, Scrolling Pictures, Creating a Web Service
xDev Issue 19.3
A Programming Black Hole, More ARM, Filemaker-Like Checkboxes, Caesar Cipher, MapLocation, Xojo 2021R1, Drawing PDFs, App Wrapper
xDev Issue 19.4
Need for Speed, Mapping GPS Data, Cryptography 2, xDev Tools, GoalMonitor, Zip Archives with Xojo, Databases, Event Definitions, Programming Careers, Accessibility
xDev Issue 19.5
Xojo Business Solution, How to Make a Bad App, Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher, Often-Used Calculations, Idea for Xojo's Future, Rotating PDFs, SQLite, Embedded Javascripts, Xojo 2021R2.1
xDev Issue 19.6
Creating Memorable Passwords with Xojo, Cross-Platform Compiling, DynaPDF, Rotating Christmas Tree, the Vingenere Cipher, Xojo 2021R2.3, Links in PDFs, SQL, GraphicsMagick
xDev Issue 20.1
Debugging Tips, Pro Apple Silicon, Feistel Cipher, Heatmaps, Transparent PDFs, Xojo2021R3, Android, Send Emails with MBS, SQL Injection, xDev's 20th Year
xDev Issue 20.2
Colorominoes Game, Cryptic RADPACK, Solving Quarantine, DES Encryption, Debugging Basics, Wifi QR Codes, Desktop UI, SQL Triggers
xDev Issue 20.3
XDC Anywhere 2022, Xojo2022R1, Easy Money Entry, Making a Fontbook, Continuity Camera, JSON, Subqueries, Debugging Basics 2, Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro
xDev Issue 20.4
Xojo Jigsaw, Steganography Part 1, Bundle It, PDF Pie Charts, Programmatic Controls, Debugging Tips, ODBC, MBS Installation Guide
xDev Issue 20.5
Xojo Workflows, Equation Evaluator, Steganography Part 2, XojoScripts on AppleScript, Encrypted PDFs, Xojo 2022R2, Xojo File Formats, LibXL, ODBC, The XUI Framework
xDev Issue 20.6
Nashville 2022, Xojo Roadmap, Steganography Part 3, Xojo 2022R3, RegEx, Clippings App, Limit and Offset, Basic Recipes
xDev Issue 21.1
Xojo Eliza, London Meetup, MBS 2022 Recap, Steganography Part 4, PDF Tables, Xojo 2022R4, Code Assistants, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Waterfield Crossbody Bag
xDev Issue 21.2
Lessons from Legos, Xojo Installer Fix, Xojo Wordle Solver, Steganography Part 5, Running Xojo on Windows 11 Arm on Apple Silicon, Attributes, MBS XML, Group By Function
xDev Issue 21.3
News and Photos from XDC 2023, Adventures in London, Windows OCR, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo Preferences, Big Numbers
xDev Issue 21.4
ChatGPT, Apple's Vision Pro, Fun with wkhtmltopdf, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo Beta Testing, Xojo Charts, MBS Barcodes, Non-SQL Databases
xDev Issue 21.5
Photomosaics, Sync Folders, Long Memories, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo 2023R2, Xojo Charts, MBS Windows PDFs, Database Joins and Views
xDev Issue 21.6
Find the Differences Game, Design Patterns, Multi-Column PDFs, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo 2023R3, Sets, Zip Files, Designing Gauges, Stored Procedures
xDev Issue 22.1
Sandstorm, Design Patterns, Xojo2021R4 Benchmarks, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo 2023R3, Nonobvious Obvious Stuff, Handle Exceptions, Parsing Emails
xDev Issue 22.2
Vision Pro, Hybrid Android Apps, MDA and Apple, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Design Patterns, Finding Location, Static Keyword
xDev Issue 22.3
2024 MBS Xojo Conference, Transactional Emails, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Facade Design Pattern, Phidgets, The Scoop on Scope
xDev Issue 22.4
Spy On Your Variables, WWDC and Apple Intelligence, Raspberry Pi Home Light Controller, Comments on Comments, Text Recognition, Multitasking, ChatGPT Grammar Checker
xDev Issue 22.5
Raspberry Pi Gyroscope, Invaders from Space, Using MQTT, How to Undo, Retro Gaming in Xojo, Overlays, ChatGPT Grammar Checker
xDev Issue 22.6
Preemptive Threads, Writing Mobile App Proposals, Beware of Intelligence, Raspberry Pi Temperature Sensor, ChatGPT Grammar Checker, Xojo Gaming, vCard QR Code, Meet Alyssa Foley
xDev Issue 23.1
Photo Batch Processing, AI on Raspberry Pi, Making Money on the Side, Marc's Medical, Extracting Still Frames From Videos, Xojo Internals, Apple Contacts, Meet Anthony Cyphers
xDev Issue 23.2
Mancala, Make PDFs Faster, Finding Clients, Raspberry Pi Pico WH, Custom Sorting Methods, Using GameInput, Xojo Tennis, Meet Geoff Perlman
Academic RBD Issue 1.1
Andrew Barry, Animation, RegEx, REALbasic
Academic RBD Issue 1.2
RB Basics, Undo, 3D Math, Bundling
Academic RBD Issue 1.3
FPS, QuickTime, VQS Guide, Geoff Perlman
Academic RBD Issue 1.4
Software Marketing, Aqua, TouchCAD, Coffee Break Pro
Academic RBD Issue 1.5
REALbasic 5, Path-Finding Algorithms, Spamfire
Academic RBD Issue 1.6
QuickTime, Control Bindings, Quesa, 3D Fog, Z-Write
Academic RBD Issue 2.1
Linux, REALbasic 5, Mesh Deformations, Recent Items Menu
Academic RBD Issue 2.2
Explosions, Text Encodings, Auto-Discovery, Net Toolbox
Academic RBD Issue 2.3
Preferences, Localization, DiscBlaze, Unrolling Loops
Academic RBD Issue 2.4
Renegades 3D Game Engine, RB 5.5, 3D Collisions, Music
Academic RBD Issue 2.5
REAL World 2004, PDF, SQL, RB 5.5 Databases
Academic RBD Issue 2.6
Vernier's LabPro, Draw with Text, SQL, Joe Strout, RBScript
Academic RBD Issue 3.1
RB Web Server, Vernier's LabPro, Command-line RB, Sheets
Academic RBD Issue 3.2
Vector Graphics, RDF/XML Database, Asynchronous Keyboard Input, Ben Copsey
Academic RBD Issue 3.3
Serial Programming, Publicity, HelpLogic, Self-Updating Apps
Academic RBD Issue 3.4
Coffee Cooling, Mouse Gestures, Serial Programming, Sp@mx
Academic RBD Issue 3.5
REAL World 2005, Registration Algorithms, RB 2005 Preview, Redlien Account Executive
Academic RBD Issue 3.6
Generating Mazes, Ringtones, Networking, Floating Point Math
Academic RBD Issue 4.1
Falling Objects, Networking, Floating Point Math
Academic RBD Issue 4.2
Ballistic Sprites, Software Distribution Formats, Networking, QuickTime
Academic RBD Issue 4.3
Networking Secrets, Harmonic Motion, Kidzmail, RB2005 vs. RB5
Academic RBD Issue 4.4
Autonomous Vehicle, Scrollable Controls, SuperSprite, Beginner Questions
Academic RBD Issue 4.5
REAL World 2006, Planetary Motion, Refactoring
Academic RBD Issue 4.6
XML, Time-Limited Demos, Kodiak, Binary Searches, Data Structures
Academic RBD Issue 5.1
Zombies (3D Game), Random Numbers, StringUtils, REAL SQL Server
Academic RBD Issue 5.2
Drunken Walk Math, Bitwise Functions, Expert Answers, Styled Text, Fourier Benchmarking
Academic RBD Issue 5.3
Guiding Users, Speed Tricks, Monte-Carlo Integration, Stan Busk, TCP, Dynamic Windows
Academic RBD Issue 5.4
Giant House Eyes, Running a Software Business, Encryption, Lightspeed, Quicksort
Academic RBD Issue 5.5
REAL World 2007, Text Readability, Calendar Canvas, RBScript, MDI
Academic RBD Issue 5.6
REALbasic iPhone Apps, Encrypting Email, RBUnit, RBScript
Academic RBD Issue 6.1
Spelling Checker, VB to RB, Burning CD/DVDs, Reality Check, Doug Lyman
Academic RBD Issue 6.2
Crystal-Clear Code, Image Processing, K.I.S.S., Hierarchical Listboxes
Academic RBD Issue 6.3
Finite State Machines, Impossible Programming, Loosely Coupled Systems, Introspection, Subversion, John Callis
Academic RBD Issue 6.4
REAL World 2008, Yuma, Spelling Checking 2, Creating PDFs, MySQL, Finalizer, Menus, HelpLogic
Academic RBD Issue 6.5
Picture Packer, Intro to Databases, Image Histograms, Contextual Menus, Valentina, JIT References, Two Generals, Inside RB, YumaDev
Academic RBD Issue 6.6
Educational Programming, Remote Support, Formatted Text Project (FTC), Variable Naming, Watermarking Images, Database server summary, debugging, iPhone, HTTPResource, validating forms with Yuma, HTMLViewer, RB frameworks
Academic RBD Issue 7.1
Template-Method Pattern, Grammar Style Checker, Toolbars, RBScript, ARBP, Container Controls, Contracts, Faded Interfaces, OOP Side Effects, Database Reporting, Compiler Optimizations
Academic RBD Issue 7.2
Comments, XML Basics, WinHTTP, FTC Postmortem, DB Reporting, RB to Yuma, Dates, Graph Paper
Academic RBD Issue 7.3
Image Filtering, Data Models, VirtualVolumes, TickerMenu Postmortem, DB Reporting, Yuma, Windows, OPC, Graph Paper
Academic RBD Issue 7.4
Printing, RegEx, Charts and Graphs, REAL Studio, TickerMenu Postmortem, RSReports, Typecasting, Graph Paper
Academic RBD Issue 7.5
Revision Control, Two-Factor Authentication (YubiKey), RBScript Plugins, Charts and Graphs, Macdeveloper.net, Print 4 Postcards Postmortem, canvas basics, Yuma e-commerce
Academic RBD Issue 7.6
Platform Building, Multiple Documents, iPhone Webapp Optimization, Drag-and-Drop, Web browser, Einhugur Reports, Software Marketing
Academic RBD Issue 8.1
Karel Robot, Making RB Plugins, Colorado Summit 2009, Windows 7, Alex Restrepo, Report Writing, RectControl
Academic RBD Issue 8.2
Software Failures, Blending Layers, Auto-Saving Dictionary, Database Design, Project Cost Estimating, Basic Controls, Clipboard Manager
Academic RBD Issue 8.3
Dropwords Game, RB for iPhone Debate, MS Office Reporting, XML DTD Stylesheets, iPad Survey, Tabpanels, Agile Development, Database Concurrency Strategies
Academic RBD Issue 8.4
Particle Collisions, Hash Functions, Dropwords, Hourly Rate, MBS Updater Kit, Rare Controls, iPad PDF Readers, SQL Database Managers, Consulting
Academic RBD Issue 8.5
Handheld programming techniques, encryption ciphers, PDF printing, SQL full text queries, tech support, textfield masks, iPhone 4
Academic RBD Issue 8.6
REAL Studio Web Edition, error handling, cocoa, gofer pattern, asynchronous programming, successful failure, ODBC, iPad
Academic RSD Issue 9.1
Transmogrify, Git, client-server optimization, AppleEvents (making app AppleScriptable), REAL Server update, continuous learning
Academic RSD Issue 9.2
Genetic Programming, Hashes, Mac App Store, Deploying Web Apps, Beta Testing, Kindle, Self-Updater, Face Time, SQL Prepared Statements
Academic RSD Issue 9.3
Multiprocessing, bug reporting, tabbed document interface, best of RSD, printing, SQLite, consulting, web apps
Academic RSD Issue 9.4
Atlanta RB Summit 2011, GUI design, preference handling, the meaning gradient, styled text printing, handshake contracts, SQLite serving, app versus session
Academic RSD Issue 9.5
optimizing, lookup optimization, interview with Glen Buecker, threads, two-way dictionaries, being a Real Studio superhero, object-relational mapping, web apps, what's new in RS2011r2
Academic RSD Issue 9.6
tracer bullet development, cellular automata, JSON, iOS, labelprinter, Storm, what's new in RS2011r3
Academic RSD Issue 10.1
report writer, comic downloader, Bob Keeney interview, MBS plugins, web services, communicating with clients, large objects in databases, iPhone 4s, iOS 5
Academic RSD Issue 10.2
outsourcing, RS Database Days 2011, global variables, assume you can, transparency, new year reflections, database news, Web API, iCloud, Codea
Academic RSD Issue 10.3
consulting, hash collisions, Paul Lefebvre interview, autodiscovery, gravity well, web uploading, textastic, iOS reminder, xscope, galaxy note
Academic RSD Issue 10.4
extreme programming, London 2012, materialized views, Google Authenticator, threads that share, RBScript user interface, bad projects, web cookies, simple is hard, iPad 3, PS Touch
Academic RSD Issue 10.5
Real World 2012, functional programming, Markdown, rethinking processes, Web toolbars, waze gps, motion-x gps, square register
Academic RSD Issue 10.6
Retina display support, Gatekeeper, code signing, text search algorithms, clipboard history, olympics, Real Studio 2012R1, replicating data is bad, App Wrapper, PackageMaker, TouchType iPad case, Wi-Drive
Academic RSD Issue 11.1
HTML to PDF, RS2012r2, Birmingham Conference 2012, Functional Programming 2, Christian Schmitz, optimization, SQL tables, Web control SDK, public speaking, ipad mini, pythonista, find any file
Academic RSD Issue 11.2
Tips for Real World, Amazon's EC2 for Web Apps, Making a Windows Installer, Real Studio Plugin SDK Changes, Conditional Compiling and Pragma Directives, Picking Your Clients, Deploying Web Apps, SQL Tables, Real World Preview, Using REALSQLDatabase as Your File Format, Napkin, Daisydisk
Academic RSD Issue 11.3
Special Xojo Developer's Conference Issue, XDC News, Xojo 2013r1 Preview, Xojo on iOS, Example Projects, Xojo Cloud, SQL Tables, XDC Recap, Acorn 4, Status Board
Academic xDev Issue 11.4
Business Success with Xojo, Blackjack simulator, Free Xojo Features, Xojo Forums, SQL Tables, Web App questions and answers, Xojo Tips, SQLite Full-Text Searching, xDev Magazine, Vesper, RegExRX
Academic xDev Issue 11.5
Upgrading to Xojo, Navigator Tips, Weeding Your Xojo Garden, When to Dim, Tripping with Xojo, Dash, Editorial, Calca, Xojo Toolbars, Container Controls, SQLiteDatabase, Adjacency Model
Academic xDev Issue 11.6
Apple About Boxes, Xojo 2013 Release 3, MBS Xojo Conference, ChartPart, Smart Tips for Developers, Making Xojo Plugins, Unit Testing, path enumeration, inheritance versus interfaces, regular expressions, Dru, "Introduction to Programming" book
Academic xDev Issue 12.1
Localization, Window Tricks, Birmingham 2013 Conference, Valentina Reports, event-driven programming, database structure, How to use AddHandler, the RegEx language, OS updates, supporting color-blind users, Xippets
Academic xDev Issue 12.2
The Dangers of Inefficiencies, Sending Email, Smart Reporting, AVFoundation, Xojo Around the World, OOP structure, Meet two Xojo developers, development hardware, build automation, database design, Regex versus Xojo code, programming tips, Zircon controls for Xojo
Academic xDev Issue 12.3
XDC 2014, Sandboxing, Pretty Print Dialog, Threads, Class Interfaces, Development Tools, Database Design, RegEx Groups, programming tips, Two Xojo developers
Academic xDev Issue 12.4
Game Center, ServerSocket, Mercurial, Swift, OOP Encapsulation, RegEx Lookarounds, Database Design, Optimizing Xojo, Canadian Xojo User Profile, Usable Code, Finding Source Code
Academic xDev Issue 12.5
Yosemite, Game Center, Notifications, HandleSpecialURL, SimpleDraw, RegEx Conditionals, Database Design, Xojo Game Developer, Coding Style, Tip on Variants, SQLite Command Line
Academic xDev Issue 12.6
Cheap Web App Hosting, Protecting Your Software, Yosemite, Game Center, Simple Web Photo Galleries, SQL CTE, Database Design, Vision Software Developer, Tips on Type Conversion, RegEx Readability, iOS Beta
Academic xDev Issue 13.1
iOS First Look, Xojo Health Journal, Data Access, Birmingham 2014, Creating First iOS App, Database Modeling, Xojo 2014r3, Meet Markus Winter, RegEx Literals, Xojo Trainer
Academic xDev Issue 13.2
Control Animation, iOS Deployment, Mandrill, Sandboxing Problems, Austin Guide, Class Extensions, XDC, Xojo 64-bit, Windows 10, Meet Ulrich Bogun, Errors with Dates, RegEx Mistakes, Crashplan, HP Stream 7
Academic xDev Issue 13.3
XDC 2015, Health Journal Metrics, Custom Operators, Enterprise Data Modeling Tools, Xojo 2015r2, Apple Watch
Academic xDev Issue 13.4
OS X "El Capitan" and Xojo, Charting Health, Overflow errors, New MacBook, Making Programming Decisions, Database Design Tools, OS Updates, DoubleClickTime, Line Endings, Pixel Space War
Academic xDev Issue 13.5
Xojo Text Messaging, Spot the Error, Tracking Medications, Kaju Self-Updater, Document-based apps, Navicat, Xojo Dev Center, Conditional Compilation Tips, Built Scripts, Acorn 5
Academic xDev Issue 13.6
Converting to 64-bit, Medical Data Encryption, Simple Help, Multiprocessing, Medical Alerts, How to Cache, Database Design Patterns, OptionParser, Raspberry Pi, SQL Tip, ICNSmini
Academic xDev Issue 14.1
Barcodes and Xojo Web Apps, London 2015, MBS SQL Plugin, Medical Alerts, Multiprocessing, Dates, Role Party Model, ChartPart, Ergonomics, JSON, Michel Bujardet, Transparent Listbox, Font Caching, Cursor Location in Web Apps, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil
Academic xDev Issue 14.2
Cocoa Fonts, Retina, Data Popups, Better Code Examples, Creating APIs, HiDPI, Sample Web Service API, CallLater, Role Party Model, How to Solve Problems, Self, Math, Quiver
Academic xDev Issue 14.3
Sunroom, App Integrity, HiDPI, Health Disorders, Multiprocessing, Obfuscation, Role Party Model, Raspberry Pi 3, Calendar and Time Chooser, Brother QL-700
Academic xDev Issue 14.4
NSTableView, 2016 MBS Xojo Conference, Bug Acceptance, Health Disorders 2, Multiprocessing 4, Randomness, Big Data, HiDPI, Logging Module, Kindle Page Flip
Academic xDev Issue 14.5
Handling Keyboard Shortcuts, Trackpad Gestures, MacOS Sierra Tabbed Windows, Better Examples 2, Health Disorders 3, JSON, New iOS Features, HiDPI, Hadoop, REST Classes, ReText
Academic xDev Issue 14.6
XDC 2016, Testing Xojo Compiler Optimizations, Cooking with Xojo, Health Disorders 4, Learning Database Design, Colors and Licenses, Iconographer
Academic xDev Issue 15.1
Xojo Pi Lab, Bitmasks, VB6 DLLs, Mark Franken, Xojo 2016r4, Container Controls, Clear Interface Design, Master Data Management, Profile Reader, Readability, Canvas book review
Academic xDev Issue 15.2
PopupMenus, Security Cameras, Data Windows, Delegates, WebPicture, WebFile, Data Dialogs, Master Data Management, Implicit Instances, XFS, AirPods review
Academic xDev Issue 15.3
Xojo Beginner's Guide, Binary Serialization, NGINX, Data Sharing, iOS Abandonware, Xojo 2017R1, Best Backup Practices, InnoSetup
Academic xDev Issue 15.4
Xojo in Germany, Data Sharing 2, Windows Fast Listbox Updating, Shrink Your Apps, Xojo Performance Tips, Backing Up With pg_dump, Initializing Controls, Xojo and WWDC, Logitech Slim Combo
Academic xDev Issue 15.5
Touch Bar Apps, Solving Upgrade Mystery, Optimizing WeakRefs, Data Sharing 3, Custom Code Formatting, pg_dump, 2017r2, SQLBuilder and ActiveRecord, Anker PowerPort+ 5
Academic xDev Issue 15.6
Green Screen Saver, Matrix Trees, Force Files to Delete, Animation, Data Sharing 4, External Items, pg_restore, 64-bit, Aloe, BBEdit 12
Academic xDev Issue 16.1
MBS London Conference 2017, Xojo and Filemaker, Byte Order Marker, Get Stock Quotes, Data Model, Xojo 2017R3, disaster recovery, scope, packaging Linux Apps
Academic xDev Issue 16.2
Scripting Stock Prices, Convert to PDF, Raspberry Pi Motor Control, Data Predicates, Custom Code Formatting, Xojo Community Guide, Continuous Archiving and Point-in-Time Recovery, Xojo Encryption, Markdown Parser
Academic xDev Issue 16.3
News from XDC 2018, XDC Travelogue, Dark Interfaces, Data Predicates 2, Xojo 2018r1, Refactoring, MailgunX, Point-in-Time Recovery
Academic xDev Issue 16.4
Mojave Dark Mode, Scripting PDFs, Refactoring a Controller Module, Learning to Code, Just Code Challenge, WWDC, Point-in-Time Recovery
Academic xDev Issue 16.5
Spreadsheets as Databases, Improving Reports, Dark Sliders in Mojave, Refactoring a Controller Module, Progressbars, Connecting to Databases, Hierarchies in data marts, HavIBeenPwned
Academic xDev Issue 16.6
Munich 2018, Working on the Road, Upgrading Xojo, Data-Entry Controller, Clipboard Management, 2018r3, Database Rules
Academic xDev Issue 17.1
Making Successful iOS Apps, Beyond JSON, Vague Errors, Data-list Controller, UK Meetup, Threads, Xojo 2018r4, Hour of Code, Xojo Dojo
Academic xDev Issue 17.2
Barchart API, Numeric Textfield, Dynamic DLL's, Alternating Row Colors for Dark Mode, Rotating 3D Cube, Window Flashing, New Xojo Docs, Custom Events, MarkdownDS
Academic xDev Issue 17.3
XDC 2019, Coding in Paradise, Numeric Textfield Part 2, Xojo 2019r1, Description Field, Resource Folders, Custom Events, Time Management Tips
Academic xDev Issue 17.4
Your First Web App, Numeric Textfield Part 3, Barcodes in Xojo, Husband + Wife + Xojo, Curves Ahead, TextField With Warning Sign, Computed Properties, WWDC, Client Communication, Catalyst, iPadOS
Academic xDev Issue 17.5
Numeric Textfield Part 4, What's New in MBS, Maps, Simple Web App 2, Gotchas, Shared Properties, Power User Features, Standard Operating Procedures
Academic xDev Issue 17.6
Xojo in Cologne, Numeric Textfield Part 5, Big and Large Numbers, Maps 2, Simple Web App 3, Designing for Error Tolerance, Xojo 2019r2, API 2.0, Planning, DateTime
Academic xDev Issue 18.1
Exploring SceneKit, Numeric Textfield Part 6, Simple Web App 4, Links in PDFS, Checking Spelling with Word, Updating to 64-bit, Xojo 2019r3, Setting Goals, Color Groups, Iterators
Academic xDev Issue 18.2
Custom Listbox Drawing, More SceneKit, Mapkit 3, Simple Web App 5, Drawing PDFs, Comic Downloader 2, Updating to 64-bit, Xojo Bookmarks, Managing Yourself, Backward Compatibility
Academic xDev Issue 18.3
Machine Learning, Xojo News, COVID-19 Simulator, MBS Update, Addressing Mapkit, Xojo Road Map, Enumerations
Academic xDev Issue 18.4
PowerXS, Mac to iOS, SceneKit, MapKit, OOP Listbox 2, WWDC 2020, Android, Web 2.0, Drag and Drop
Academic xDev Issue 18.5
OOP Listbox, PowerXS, ChartDirector, MapKit, Xojo 2020 Release 1, Working with Sets
Academic xDev Issue 18.6
Getting Started with Git, Better Coding Tips, OOP Listbox, MapKit, Xojo PDFs, Xojo 2020 Release 1.2, SQLite 3.31.1
Academic xDev Issue 19.1
Moving to Apple Silicon, Working with Workers, Get Ready for Git Part 2, MapKit Part 8, GradientMaker, Xojo 2020r2, MacBook Air M1 Review
Academic xDev Issue 19.2
Shake Your Windows, Technology Transitions, Getting Started with DynaPDF, Mapping GPS Coordinates, App Instance, Picture Fills, Scrolling Pictures, Creating a Web Service
Academic xDev Issue 19.3
A Programming Black Hole, More ARM, Filemaker-Like Checkboxes, Caesar Cipher, MapLocation, Xojo 2021R1, Drawing PDFs, App Wrapper
Academic xDev Issue 19.4
Need for Speed, Mapping GPS Data, Cryptography 2, xDev Tools, GoalMonitor, Zip Archives with Xojo, Databases, Event Definitions, Programming Careers, Accessibility
Academic xDev Issue 19.5
Xojo Business Solution, How to Make a Bad App, Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher, Often-Used Calculations, Idea for Xojo's Future, Rotating PDFs, SQLite, Embedded Javascripts, Xojo 2021R2.1
Academic xDev Issue 19.6
Creating Memorable Passwords with Xojo, Cross-Platform Compiling, DynaPDF, Rotating Christmas Tree, the Vingenere Cipher, Xojo 2021R2.3, Links in PDFs, SQL, GraphicsMagick
Academic xDev Issue 20.1
Debugging Tips, Pro Apple Silicon, Feistel Cipher, Heatmaps, Transparent PDFs, Xojo2021R3, Android, Send Emails with MBS, SQL Injection, xDev's 20th Year
Academic xDev Issue 20.2
Colorominoes Game, Cryptic RADPACK, Solving Quarantine, DES Encryption, Debugging Basics, Wifi QR Codes, Desktop UI, SQL Triggers
Academic xDev Issue 20.3
XDC Anywhere 2022, Xojo2022R1, Easy Money Entry, Making a Fontbook, Continuity Camera, JSON, Subqueries, Debugging Basics 2, Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro
Academic xDev Issue 20.4
Xojo Jigsaw, Steganography Part 1, Bundle It, PDF Pie Charts, Programmatic Controls, Debugging Tips, ODBC, MBS Installation Guide
Academic xDev Issue 20.5
Xojo Workflows, Equation Evaluator, Steganography Part 2, XojoScripts on AppleScript, Encrypted PDFs, Xojo 2022R2, Xojo File Formats, LibXL, ODBC, The XUI Framework
Academic xDev Issue 20.6
Nashville 2022, Xojo Roadmap, Steganography Part 3, Xojo 2022R3, RegEx, Clippings App, Limit and Offset, Basic Recipes
Academic xDev Issue 21.1
Xojo Eliza, London Meetup, MBS 2022 Recap, Steganography Part 4, PDF Tables, Xojo 2022R4, Code Assistants, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Waterfield Crossbody Bag
Academic xDev Issue 21.2
Lessons from Legos, Xojo Installer Fix, Xojo Wordle Solver, Steganography Part 5, Running Xojo on Windows 11 Arm on Apple Silicon, Attributes, MBS XML, Group By Function
Academic xDev Issue 21.3
News and Photos from XDC 2023, Adventures in London, Windows OCR, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo Preferences, Big Numbers
Academic xDev Issue 21.4
ChatGPT, Apple's Vision Pro, Fun with wkhtmltopdf, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo Beta Testing, Xojo Charts, MBS Barcodes, Non-SQL Databases
Academic xDev Issue 21.5
Photomosaics, Sync Folders, Long Memories, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo 2023R2, Xojo Charts, MBS Windows PDFs, Database Joins and Views
Academic xDev Issue 21.6
Find the Differences Game, Design Patterns, Multi-Column PDFs, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo 2023R3, Sets, Zip Files, Designing Gauges, Stored Procedures
Academic xDev Issue 22.1
Sandstorm, Design Patterns, Xojo2021R4 Benchmarks, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Xojo 2023R3, Nonobvious Obvious Stuff, Handle Exceptions, Parsing Emails
Academic xDev Issue 22.2
Vision Pro, Hybrid Android Apps, MDA and Apple, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Design Patterns, Finding Location, Static Keyword
Academic xDev Issue 22.3
2024 MBS Xojo Conference, Transactional Emails, Raspberry Pi Electronics, Facade Design Pattern, Phidgets, The Scoop on Scope
Academic xDev Issue 22.4
Spy On Your Variables, WWDC and Apple Intelligence, Raspberry Pi Home Light Controller, Comments on Comments, Text Recognition, Multitasking, ChatGPT Grammar Checker
Academic xDev Issue 22.5
Raspberry Pi Gyroscope, Invaders from Space, Using MQTT, How to Undo, Retro Gaming in Xojo, Overlays, ChatGPT Grammar Checker
Academic xDev Issue 22.6
Preemptive Threads, Writing Mobile App Proposals, Beware of Intelligence, Raspberry Pi Temperature Sensor, ChatGPT Grammar Checker, Xojo Gaming, vCard QR Code, Meet Alyssa Foley
Academic xDev Issue 23.1
Photo Batch Processing, AI on Raspberry Pi, Making Money on the Side, Marc's Medical, Extracting Still Frames From Videos, Xojo Internals, Apple Contacts, Meet Anthony Cyphers
Academic xDev Issue 23.2
Mancala, Make PDFs Faster, Finding Clients, Raspberry Pi Pico WH, Custom Sorting Methods, Using GameInput, Xojo Tennis, Meet Geoff Perlman


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